How to Grow Haworthia Ice Jade?

Ice Jade featured

Have you ever seen a plant that looks like small droplets of water? If not, then you’re at the right place. Haworthia Ice Jade, which are small green plants, are very similar to water droplets. These tiny succulents are very rare and are sold at high prices.

This succulent belongs to South Africa and is mainly found over there. Haworthia Ice Jade belongs to the family of Asphodelaceae.

The succulent is green in color and has a white layer covering the leaves. The leaves are joined together and form a small oval shape. 

Haworthia Ice Jade

Haworthia Ice Jade Care

Like most succulents, Haworthia Ice Jade is also easy to grow. However, as these succulents are very rare and need special care, this plant, like usual, thrives the best when they are kept both outdoors and indoors. Moreover, the soil requirement is also the same as other succulents, which is well-draining soil with proper pores. 


Haworthia Ice jades prefer bright light over shady places. This does not mean that you start to keep your sensitive succulent out in the open all the time. The best amount of sunlight for this plant is that you keep your plant out in the sun for a few hours and then place it back indoors or in a shady place. However, Haworthia Ice Jade, despite being quite sensitive, can bear some excess morning sunlight. But harsh afternoon sunlight can damage your plant. 

If your plant is exposed to too much sunlight, it might affect its condition. You’ll first notice that your plant’s leaves would turn yellow and red. Plus, it will stop growing, and you will see that the stem will also lose its color.

On the other hand, if your Haworthia Ice Jade isn’t receiving the required sunlight, it would indicate that your plant’s leaves would turn whitish and lose their bright green color. Hence you must provide your succulent with the right amount of light. 


Haworthia Ice Jade are rare plants; hence, each element should be proper. Speaking of proper elements, the soil is the first and foremost element of growing Haworthia Ice Jade. Soil is the main part. Like all succulents, this succulent also requires sandy soil with exceptional drainage. The word exceptional is used on purpose because if the succulent doesn’t have a proper drainage system, it might suffocate due to over-watering and indulge in different diseases like root rot. There isn’t a perfect mix for Haworthia Ice Jade, but it is best if one uses a cactus mix and mixes it with some perlite. 


Watering is quite simple. The basic rule for every succulent is that keep watering until the plant can absorb that water. Once you feel the plant has no such requirement for water, you should stop watering it. The same case is with Haworthia Ice Jade. These succulents also require minimal amounts of water. Special attention must be paid when extreme winters or summers are about to hit. During this period, the plant becomes dormant. This means it doesn’t have any potential to absorb water or nutrients. Hence during this period, you should only water your plant once or twice per 2 weeks. 

Temperature And Humidity 

Haworthia Ice Jade has a certain temperature requirement to be fulfilled to grow. The average temperature that is safe for this succulent is between 70- and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. When temperatures drop below 40 Fahrenheit, your plant can get frostbite and eventually die. 

Humidity isn’t an issue for this plant as it can survive in humid temperatures. However, you will have to take care of the ventilation for this plant. During the nighttime, you should place it where the air is easily accessible to your plant as it takes carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. 


Although Haworthia Ice Jade does not require any certain types of fertilizers, one can cherish their plant with some of it. The best time to give fertilizer to your plant is during spring and early summer. During this period, your plant isn’t dormant and ready to grow at full pace. 

Green succulent - Haworthia Ice Jade


The easiest way to propagate your succulent is by using its offsets to grow more plants. The propagation process is carried out so that the adult or the parent plant does not get overcrowded. 

You’ll have to carry out the propagation step by step. First, you’ll need a sharp knife to cut the stem. Then, after cutting the stem, you’ll have to wait for the stem to become callous. Once it is completed, you may place the stem in a new pot. Finally, a baby Haworthia Ice Jade would soon grow. 

Pests And Plant diseases

Pests Diseases

It may sound surprising, but Haworthia Ice Jade is free from all pests. However, one such pest makes its way into the plant known as mealybugs. These tiny insects destroy the plant’s stem and become a nuisance for the plant owner. Such pests can b removed through insecticidal sprays. 

Plant Diseases 

The most common type of disease is root rot. Every succulent owner is advised not to over-water their plant or else they might face this problem. To avoid this, you should monitor your watering as it would be helpful for you and your plant.


One may wonder why such small succulents require such hard work. This is partially true as Haworthia Ice jade is an easy-growing plant that turns out to be beautiful. One should consider these pointers before growing such succulents. I hope you enjoy and have a great experience growing this plant. 

About author

Alice Cheung

Alice Cheung is a freelance writer for the Guridio. Alice curates many of our Garden and Kitchen cooking-related articles to assist readers in making life an interesting process.

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