How To Grow Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca?

Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca featured

The Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca is a very popular succulent that’s found commonly found all over the world. The fun fact is that it is known by weirdly funny names such as the Blue Echeveria and Mexican hens and sheep! Originated in Mexico, the Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca is used to make a couple of hybrid succulents, including Echeveria in their names.

The Echeveria Embata and Echeveria Lara are two hybrid plants propagated from the Echeveria Secunda.  

Like all succulents, the Echeveria Secunda var, Guaca is a low-maintenance plant, and its plantation is a very easy process. Across the globe, the Echeveria Secunda var. Guaca is grown in single pots as well as in thousands on farms. 

In appearance, this succulent has the shape of a rosette which is green colored and has sharp, tapered leaves that take red hues. This plant performs well in terms of growth in all four seasons; however, the appearance varies with seasons.

Elaborately, Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca growing in winters has a stiffer shape with leaves close to each other, while plants growing in summers have longer leaves that have a bit of spacing between each other. 

Some of the Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca is blue in appearance which is named the Blue Echeveria. The intensity of blue color varies in summer and winter – you find bright blue Blue Echeveria in warm seasons, while the intensity of blue decreases in colder months. 

Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca on garden

Echeveria ‘Secunda var. Glauca’ Care 

To grow healthier, stronger, and brighter, Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca, you must take good care of the succulents and ensure they are grown in nutrient-rich environments. Below are a few factors you should consider for a healthy Echeveria Secunda var. Glaucas.


Do you want Blue Echeveria to look its best? Provide it adequate amount of sunlight. Keep the plant facing the sun when keeping it in a room that receives a lot of sunlight. Succulents that receive plenty of sunlight have a bright blue color, healthy and strong leaves, and a rigid, thick stem. Apart from that, occasionally, keep changing the position of the plant in the sunlight to ensure no part of it is deprived of light.  

However, be wary of scorching sunlight. The Echeveria needs plenty of light, but that does not mean you get them fried in the burning heat. Moreover, changing light intensity frequently might stress Echeverias; therefore, ensure you don’t keep changing their places. 


Like all succulents, the Echeveria Secunda var, Guaca needs frequent showers in the summer. During the blooming season, watering them once a week is enough. Once the blooming season ends, the Echeveria will be good with a shower fortnightly. Additionally, after watering, drain all excess water from the pot. Keep a close watch on the soil and water the plant when you see the soil drying up. This practice will ensure your plant isn’t getting more water than it needs! 

During winters, shower your Echeveria with water only monthly. If they stay in the water too much, they might catch fatal diseases and expire. 

Temperature and Humidity

Echeveria Secunda var. Guaca grow well in high temperatures, like all other succulents! Growing them in warm months is a better idea as they take up a brighter color than plants growing in the winter season. 

Also, these plants are indifferent to humidity. The reason is that they are dry land plants and can survive through dry periods. 


Grainy, porous, and high drainage soil is extremely favorable for Echeveria Secunda var. Gracias. Keep the plants in good soil that drains all the water inside, sufficient for the plants to survive. 


If your plant is grown in a highly fertile area with enough nutrients, skip the fertilizer. Too many chemicals can be detrimental to your plants. However, if you feel like the soil has been washed away, you can use a highly diluted fertilizer (only in summer) to supplement your plants. 

Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca with pot

Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca Propagation

Do you notice small offsets growing at the base of stems? Well, that’s amazing because of your Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca is all set for propagation. Chip off the offsets from the mother plant using a sharp knife, and let it sit and callous for a few days until it is all ready to be propagated. Then plant it in water or soil until its roots start growing. Soon after that, you will see tiny leaves growing. 

During this process, you don’t need to shower the succulents with water, as their mother plant is enough to provide it to them. Soon, the parent plant will become dull and dry, and this state might be devastating for the baby plant, so it is best to remove the shriveled plant. 

Common Diseases Among Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca

Plant Diseases

Leaf fall and root rot are prevalent diseases among these succulents, caused by too much watering and lack of sunlight. So, ensure your plant gets enough sunlight and water to remain healthy and survive tough weather conditions! 


Beware of mealy bugs! They are small insects but can be very annoying as they tend to crawl into every unimaginable corner of the plant. Use isopropyl solution to get rid of them immediately! 


The Echeveria Secunda var. Glauca is a good choice if you want to grow succulents. Not only are they beautiful, but they demand less time and effort for their care! You can grow healthy Echeveria Secunda var Galuca with the right environment and ingredients. Glauca succulents easily!

About author

Alice Cheung

Alice Cheung is a freelance writer for the Guridio. Alice curates many of our Garden and Kitchen cooking-related articles to assist readers in making life an interesting process.

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