How to Grow Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata?

haworthia cooperi var truncata featured

Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata is a plant that has no stem. Yes, it does sound extremely weird, but there does exist a plant that is stem-less.

This succulent is the source of attraction for many gardeners. Many people love to keep this plant in their greenhouse as it is attractive, easy to grow, and small in size.

Below are some of the requirements that need to be fulfilled before planning on growing this plant.

Caring for Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata


Sunlight plays a vital role in the growth of Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata. This plant requires a certain amount of sunlight during the day. If that amount is not given to the plant, then your plant might start to dry up.

However, you shouldn’t leave your plant in full sunlight, or the excessive heat can cause the plant to burn.


Like most succulents, Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata’s are also quite easy to grow. There isn’t any such soil requirement for this plant, but certain pointers must be kept in mind before deciding on growing this succulent.

The most important thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the soil you use for your plant should drain the water well. This is an important step as if the soil won’t be able to drain water, the plant can get waterlogged, and it can result in the root rotting.

The best mix for Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata is a soil mix with some perlite. This soil mixture is one of the best for draining water. Following these simple steps could fulfill your plant’s soil requirement.


The special thing about succulents is that they can store water in their leaves. As Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata is a succulent with only leaves, it can store water in them for long periods. That is why it has the benefit of surviving in droughts for long periods.

However, this does not mean you forget to water your plant. After all, it is a plant and requires water after some while.

The watering process of your plant should be monitored as excess water can also spoil your plant.

One should water their plant twice a week during spring and summer as, during that time, most succulents thrive. The frequency of water should be slowed during winters and peak summers as most plants are dormant during that period, and more water can cause its root to rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Like water requirements, these succulents are temperature tolerant too. They can survive harsh climatic conditions. Although there is a certain ideal range in which this plant should be grown, it can survive in various temperatures.

This does not mean that you stop caring about your plant. You shouldn’t expose your plant to bright sunlight, or else your plant will die. These plants like summers more than winters; in summers, they can grow faster than in winters. If the temperature drops below 10 degrees centigrade, you might consider keeping your plant indoors to avoid frostbite.

As far as humidity is concerned, it doesn’t play a significant role in the growth of Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata.

If you plan on growing your plant in humid regions, you should slow down your watering cycle as your plant won’t have that much of a need for water.


Although the plant does not require fertilizers, if one wants to give its plant fertilizer as a treat, then one can.

However, it would be best if you kept in mind that fertilizers should only be given once the plant has reached its maturity.

Plus, a lot of fertilizer can destroy the plant in a few days.


This is a small and cute plant everyone loves to keep. The opportunity to grow more Haworthia’s shouldn’t be missed at first because they are very attractive, plus propagating them is also easy.

One only needs to have leaf cuttings or offsets to grow them. Once you have these cuttings, pot them in a separate pot and wait for a new baby plant to pop out.

Pests And Diseases

Pests Diseases

If the plant owner starts to observe some small whitish creatures on their plant, then it means that mealybugs have made their way to your plant. Mealybugs are the only pests that are dangerous for Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata. One can use an anti-pest spray on them to get rid of them.

Plant Diseases

There aren’t many plant diseases in this succulent; however black roots and root rotting are common in succulents. They are usually a result of overwatering and lack of attention. One should monitor their watering cycle and be more responsible for avoiding such problems.


Haworthia Cooperi Var. Truncata is a very beautiful plant. Many owners usually fail to realize the actual worth of it. It is hard to find and hence requires special attention. Although they are easy to grow, one should be careful while handling such a rare and beautiful plant. I hope this article could answer all your questions regarding the plant and its growing process. Happy Growing!!

About author

Alice Cheung

Alice Cheung is a freelance writer for the Guridio. Alice curates many of our Garden and Kitchen cooking-related articles to assist readers in making life an interesting process.

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